
{top five} places

{top 5}  places i intend on visiting this year
one. boston, mass
two. rhode island
three. atlantic city
four. camping. anywhere.
five. california!

i love to travel. i wish i could travel to a new place once a month. 
but me and rockstar husband have decided to do some mini weekend trips this spring and summer. 
and if all goes as planned we will be going to cali in september. 
oh how i can't wait. 


JenRem said...

Traveling is one of my favorite things to do as well. If I had the income to travel at least once a month I would! And to all of these places that you've named above. I would even camp at each and every one too :)

kimbirdy said...

Wahoo California! ;)

JacPfef said...

let's sit down and pick a weekend to go to Rhode Island. We can go hang out in Newport and play all day :)